Thursday, November 6, 2008


sigmund from infinite undiscovery, last night at pchat:

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

the post is a lie

piccars i did for the DSG

so, i've been playing 'infinite undiscovery'.... i didn't expect to be hooked, but i am. it's got quite a bite to it, once you get to know it. cant say i am enjoying it as much as when a certain character was still available though. :<

i picked up my Fable 2 also last weekend. really looking forward to it, but i am committed to finishing games before starting out new ones these days. (big words for someone who's playing through gears of war, ninja gaiden 2 and infinite undiscovery at once :>)

also, N+. this game is deceptively simple, but god. i think i've sunk countless hours into it. and i keep getting expansion levels for it. it's hypnotic. oh no. halp.

ok. lets get back to talking about Infinite Undiscovery. cuz i have to gush over Sigmund a bit. actually almost all of the characters are quite likable. which is quite an odd thing for me, cuz i know i can be overly, and at times, unreasonably critical about things... (don't get me started on bleach...) ... like, i was incredibly annoyed at some characters in Persona 3. especially Yukari. though Junpei is sort of a certified doormat sidekick too.

IU's cast is sorta doing it for me, though. not all of them are likeable, for sure, but they somehow do not annoy me too badly. i really like the minor characters, and i've just met two new ones last night, Touma and Komachi. they seem interesting.

I really like Sigmund. but i also like Edward and Capell, and Michelle. and, Kiriya. gosh, he's so lordly ... XD i also like the little kids, Rico and Rucha. and Eugene. and Gustav.

the ones that are slightly aggravating are Aya and Vic. and Dominica. but even these, are quite alright. not dislikable. though not likable.

story-wise, there's nothing ground-breaking about IU's plot, but having said that, what it does, it does not do it badly at all. it delivers at appropriate pace, and there are definite character developments throughout the game. events affect the characters in a very understandable manner, and it is easy to relate to the characters. im really enjoying it, so far. at first the battle system threw me off, slightly. the attacks were not connecting very well with the enemies and the targeting system is a bit dumb. once you've killed a monster, it does not automatically switch to the next monster, causing you to keep hitting a downed enemy and in turn, making you vulnerable to hits by live enemies. using items in the middle of the battle can also be slightly clunky. and there is no 'camp', when you hit the menu button, the game still carries on, so you have to watch where you 'camp' to equip new items on to characters and so on.

level designs are standard in IU. quite well done. the vesplume tower reminds me a bit of DMC3's level (dumbed down, but the mirrors thing and the fact that the tower shifted after some stage). other dungeons are basically map-based, and the environments are quite nicely done. you've got your usual selection of the plains, the desert, the forest, etc.

the cities are alright, some are very small. but they provide what they need to, at that point in the game. i also like the background music, not too saccharine or garish. it's not as catchy as some tunes in Lost Odyssey, but it's quite nicely done.


yeah. i think i've yakked too much about it now... XD i really like Sigmund. i think i will try to draw some of him when i have time to draw.

ps. i wants fallout3 :>